Elite Amenities Staff Information
Property Information (Addresses, Lock Box Codes, Contacts and more):
2024_property_information_for_staff__8_.xlsx |
New Hire When to Work and Jibble Instructions
elite_amenities_new_hire_information_2023.docx |
Biscayne Bay Binder
biscayne_site_book_2024.docx |
Cypress Trace Binder
cypress_trace_2024.docx |
cypress_trace_info_sheet.docx.pdf |
Forest Hammock Binder
forest_hammock_2024.docx |
Grand Creek Binder
grand_creek_2024.docx |
Kensington Binder
kensington_site_book_2024.docx |
How to access pay stubs
copy_of_payroll_form_1.pdf |
Kernan Forest Binder
kernan_forest_site_book_-_2024.docx |
kernan_forest_info_sheet.pdf |
Longleaf 1 & 2 Binder
longleaf_2024.docx |
North Hampton Info Sheet
north_hampton_-_info_sheet.pdf |
Panther Creek Binder
panther_creek_binder_info.docx |
Samara Lakes Binder
samara_lakes_site_book_2024.docx |
St Johns Forest Binder
sjf_-_employee_site_book_-_2024.docx |
Stonehurst binder
stonehurst_site_book_2024__1_.docx |
The Woods Binder
the_woods_site_book_2023.docx |
Trailmark binder and Info Sheet
trailmark_site_book_2024.docx |
trailmark_-_info_sheet.pdf |
Direct Deposit Form
direct_deposit_authorization_fillable_4.14.2018.pdf |
Employee Rehire Form
employee_rehire_form_fillable.pdf |