Services and Staffing
Janitorial Services
Lifeguard & Pool Monitor Staffing
Private Event Staffing
Tennis Management
Swim Lessons and Teams
Tennis Programming and Events
Summer Camp
Lifeguard/CPR/AED/First Aid
Swim Instructor Certification
Now Hiring
Tennis Camp Registration
(TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN - one form per child please)
Indicates required field
Participants Name
Parent/Guardian Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Are there any medical issues we should be aware of?
Other Parental Requirements
Youth (under the age of 18): I (the Parent/Guardian), do hereby grant permission for my child(ren) (under the age of 18) to participate in the above program. Further, I agree to observe all the rules and regulations of Elite Amenities and my community at all times. I am aware that my child(ren) will be inside the Amenity Center, as well as outside taking part in games, sports, swimming, and crafts along with other recreational activities. My community nor any of it’s employees or volunteers, nor Elite Amenities employees or volunteers, will be held responsible for any accidents or injuries occurring during camp or camp sponsored activities at my community. My community nor any of it’s employees or volunteers, nor Elite Amenities employees or volunteers, will be held responsible for lost, damages, or stolen items. By signing this waiver I authorize the staff of Elite Amenities to provide first aid should my child(ren) get a minor injuring during camp. I further authorize the staff to contact “911” prior to contacting me in the event of an emergency. (Parent/legal guardian will be contacted immediately after 911 is contacted.)
Choose Any
Which weeks will your child be attending camp?
Week 1, June 22 - 26
Week 2, June 29 - July 3
Please enter your name to verify that you have read and understand the information herein.
Name of any siblings attending camp
I understand that my registration will not be complete until I return to www.eliteamenities.com and confirm final weekly payment.
Services and Staffing
Janitorial Services
Lifeguard & Pool Monitor Staffing
Private Event Staffing
Tennis Management
Swim Lessons and Teams
Tennis Programming and Events
Summer Camp
Lifeguard/CPR/AED/First Aid
Swim Instructor Certification
Now Hiring